Orizio has partecipated at ITMA Barcelona from 21st to 26th June 2019. Great success and interest by the visitors for the circular knitting machines displayed:
the double jersey DE 1.6 30” diameter, 48 feeds (1.6 feeds/”) for the production of interlock-base and rib-base fabrics completing the range of electronic machines, the single jersey MJF/BE 30” diameter, 72 feeds, for the production of jacquard and striped invisible fleece fabrics with stripers on all feeds.
A MJM-CE 30” diameter, 44 gauge, 72 feeds (2.4 feeds/”) for the production of single jersey jacquard with electronic selection of the needles.
A high speed JHVF-LC 30”, 32 gauge, 96 feeds (3.2 feeds/”) on open width frame for the production of sinkerless fabrics up to 35 R.p.m.
The double jersey CI-C for interlock and rib and the single jersey JOHN-D, 102 feeds for the production of jersey 4 camtracks.